If it's true that all people should do what they want, does that mean we can dissolve the bonds of society and all just live disconnected lives? After all, there is no heavenly mandate or true moral code anyone can refer to, so if all people thought this way, there would be no reason to have bonds of community or family, right?
While anarchists might disagree, society is not something that was imposed from on high. People built societies for a reason. As I've mentioned before, people are social creatures. Most of us cannot live isolation. We are stronger in numbers. The whole is more than the sum of its parts. Social organization is a tool for people to further their own goals.
In order to ensure people can chase their fulfillment, we need to make sure that they can take the risks necessary to do so. Without the bonds of family and society, there is no safety net. Spending a year of your life trying to create the next great work is just too risky if the cost of failure is destitution. Those who succeed in their ambitions must share the burden of those unable to do so, otherwise only the foolhardy would ever have a shot at self satisfaction.
After all, there are no guarantees in life. Those who enjoy success and those crushed by failure are, in the grand scheme of things, only separated by a roll of the dice. There will always be people who are unable to provide back as much as they take. But, as long as there is food and shelter to spare, it is heartless to deny anyone at least a base subsistence.
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